Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Stem cell research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Stem cell - Research Proposal Example In addition to this, stem cells also help in the internal repairing of the organs by dividing themselves endlessly to cover up for the lost or damaged cells. The new cell which is formed by the stem cell division has the ability to either become another stem cell or a cell with a particular function. Because of its functions, its biological uses are endless. Human heart muscles can be rebuilt, as well as cartilage muscles, bones, neurons and skeletal muscles. Pancreatic cells can be developed for diabetes patients, neurons for people with Alzheimer’s and bone marrow for cancer patients. These are but a few uses to mention. (Gross) Stem cell technology is the best biological step towards repairing of damaged organs as well as creating new ones. The goal of using stem cells is to strap up the chemical signals by which stem cells synchronize the development of organs of a fetus in the womb, and then repeat the process in adulthood to reshape the damaged organs into a better susta inable condition. (KU medical centre) Up till now the research has only been conducted on mice but it is believed that this technology would soon be in practice. Researchers in Washington reported that the stem cells derived from the embryos have the potential to repair organs in two ways: The stem cells either take up the place of the wounded areas or by secreting vital chemicals which help tissues to repair themselves. (Info centre) Craig Basson, director of cardiovascular research at Cornell University's Weill Medical College in New York said "Most of the work on stem cells to date has focused on how to get these cells to turn into a heart cell, a kidney cell, a bone cell or whatever it is you need,". Biological materials like bone marrow, kidneys and even heart could be created out of a stem cell thus with proper utilization and work on this technique, these materials would become abundant. Heart deformities which previously had no cure and proved to be fatal could be cured by t he introduction of stem cells in the affected place as proved by the research and experiments. (KU medical centre) For the first time in the history of biological development, such a gigantic leap has been taken and it is believed, it would result in a positive turn on the life and health of the people. The future is supposed to hold a limitless reserve of the stem cells which would be readily available as per the demand of the user; the prospect of having a new pancreas as well as having your heart repaired with a few injections of stem cells is highly exciting. Abnormalities in blood cells and weak immune system in the people are constantly on the rise and even the youngsters are affected by this; stem cells offer a cure to these abnormalities. Heart diseases are the biggest problem faced by the patients around the world. (Kiessling) Most of the time, these result in death as heart transplants are exceedingly rare and repair of the organ without the stem cell is impossible. This i s the reason what makes heart an expensive biological material, making the treatment of these diseases very costly. In America alone, the total cost of treating cardiovascular diseases and stroke in 2004 is estimated to reach almost $368 billion. Introduction of stem cells would be a great relief for such patients and heart disease would tend to be less lethal. When put into practice,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Research funding of medical product development Essay Example for Free

Research funding of medical product development Essay Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common ailments in adults especially the old. Over 26.6 million people around the world are affected by the disease with an increase expected in the coming years. So far, there has been no established cure for the disease whose results are pain and suffering in the patients and death. With these facts, research that can lead to success in tackling this global calamity would be instrumental and welcome. This makes it critical and worth for any form of funding to be provided in any research towards elimination of the same. The document evaluates the various forms of funding available which would help in the research to develop a novel compound critical in controlling and even curing the disease. Discussion National governments are one of the biggest sources of funding for clinical research. Various governments set aside some money in their Health sector budget of which a big portion includes money for research. The government funding programs operate locally or internationally (Murray Johnston, 2010). An example in national government funding is the NIH (National Institute of Health) which through its various sections such as the National Human Genome Research Institute provides funding for research projects in America (Kulakowski, 2006). For the case of research in Alzheimer’s disease, national funding is through the National Institute on Aging. Government funding is beneficial in that they are not discriminative compared to funding from other sources such as organizations. However, one disadvantage is that the funds may take long thus jeopardizing the research (Kaitin, 2010). Associated closely with national governments and also a source of funding are government agencies. Agencies operate both nationally and internationally (Shaw, 2005). An example of such an agency is the Department of Energy in America. The agencies provide the funds to different sub-divisions of research areas, for example, the Human Genome Project section which may assist in developing the compound identified (Boss Eckert, 2006). With their international operations, the benefit is that the agencies will fund any project that fulfills its requirements. One disadvantage however is that agencies are prone to manipulation and thus may be biased in funding projects due to political differences (Smith, 2006). Another source of funding for scientific research projects are foundations. These entities have a wide range of research requirements and interests (Hulley, 2007). Some of the foundations will be specific in the areas they want to fund such as the American Cancer Society that focuses on Cancer. Others are open for any research in any area such as the Howard Hughes Medical Institute which provides funding for various areas, for example, Alzheimer’s disease (Reinhart National Research Council, 2006). Brightfocus Foundation and Alzheimer’s Research Foundation are some of the foundations that focus on funding Alzheimer based research (Financing roundup, 2008). The benefit in using foundations is that they span a wide range of research areas thus a big chance of being funded (Clinical research in Finland in 2002 and 2007, 2013). There is a disadvantage in that funding from foundations is subject to misappropriation through vices such as corruption affects the operations (Ca mbron, 2008). Many individuals have been known to offer private funding for research projects all over the world. Wealthy individuals are now funding scientific research institutions or individual based ones (Page, 2012). Armand Hammer, former chairman of Occidental Petroleum Corporation is an example. For his case, he provided funding for cancer related projects (Lee, 2010). Another example is Ronald Perelman and Lilly Tartikoff who funded the Revlon/ UCLA women’s Cancer Research Program under the leadership of Salmon (Bazell Bernstein, 1998). One advantage of funding from individuals is that there are no rigorous processes involved in obtaining the funds like is the case with government agencies and foundations. A disadvantage in using the same is that individual funding may be withdrawn when differences arise thus stalling the research (Kullmann, 2006). References Bazell, R., Bernstein, A. (1998). Her-2: The making of herceptin, a revolutionary treatment for breast cancer. New York: Random House. Boss, J. M., Eckert, S. H. (2006). Academic scientists at work. New York, NY: Springer. Cambron, J. (2008). Grant funding for elderly health services (6th ed.). Manasquan, NJ: Health Resources Publishing. Clinical research in Finland in 2002 and 2007: Quantity and type. (2013). BioMed Central.Financings roundup.(Harvard University Office of Technology Development is funding for research projects in biomedical and life sciences )(Report). (2008, February 11). Medical Device Week.Hulley, S. (2007). Designing clinical research (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Kaitin, K. (2010). (video) Research funding of medical product development.Kulakowski, E. (2006). Research administration and management. Sudbury, Mass.: Jones and Bartlett. Kullmann, P. (2012). The Inventors Guide for Medical Technology From Your Napkin to the Market. Minneapolis: Hillcrest Media Group. Lee, J. (2010). Biomedical engineering entrepreneurship. Singapore: World Scientific. Murray, T. H., Johnston, J. (2010). Trust and integrity in biomedical research: The case of financial conflicts of interest. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Page, P. (2012). An introduction to clinical research. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Reinhart, G. R., National Research Council (U.S.). (2006). Enhancing philanthropys support of biomedical scientists: Proceedings of a workshop on evaluation. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. Shaw, G. (2005, October). Tapping Alternative Sources: Funding Beyond the NIH. G P, 5(8)12-18. Smith, C. (2006). The process of new drug discovery and development (2nd ed.). New York: Informa Healthcare. Source document

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Heroes of Lord of the Flies Essay -- Lord of the Flies Essays

The Heroes of Lord of the Flies    There are many possible interpretations of the word 'hero': sometimes it simply means the main character of a story, sometimes it denotes a person with a strong character who acts decisively, and sometimes it can mean the person we most admire in a story or who is the greatest force for good. Golding's Lord of the Flies has no clear hero but there are three major characters that could be seen as the heroes of the book.    The first possible hero is Ralph. He is perhaps the most obvious candidate as, at the start of the novel at least, he is a 'golden boy'. The second possible hero is Jack. This might seem unlikely, as Jack is in some ways also a possible villain, but Jack is a better leader than Ralph and is able to act decisively in a crisis. The third possible hero is Simon, the only one totally untouched by the boys' descent into savagery.    Ralph qualifies as a hero on several counts. Firstly, of all the characters in the book, the narrator follows Ralph most closely. It is Ralph we meet at the opening of the story and a description of Ralph ends the book. Secondly, Ralph performs heroic actions. He bravely explores the unknown island, attempts to stand up to the beast, and when the going gets tough he does not give up in despair. But above all of his physical bravery, Ralph shows moral bravery when he insists that the death of Simon is 'murder'. However, despite Ralph's physical and moral bravery, he is not untouched by sin and evil. Ralph was involved in the death of Simon and failed to provide clear leadership for the boys who put their trust in him. As readers we have the most sympathy for Ralph but we also have a clear understanding of ... ... as its hero. Ralph is the closest to a hero in the literary sense of the word as the narrative follows him and it is his story. Jack, although he has heroic qualities, is perhaps too close to being the story's villain to be considered a hero but he is by no means a character with only one side. In my opinion, the only person in the book who is a true hero is Simon as he is courageous, brave and kind. He is also the only boy to remain uncorrupted by the island. In writing a novel without a clear hero, Golding emphasises its pessimistic message. Before the Second World War, Jack and Ralph, like their counterparts in Coral Island would probably have been allowed to show the stuff that made them potential heroes but, in the context of a world that had witnessed genocide and the atomic bomb, Golding suggests that the ordinary concepts of heroes are not enough.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Explain the principal social perspective

Functionalism is a structural (macro) perspective that suggests that our behaviour is influenced by the society is organised. They believe that the institutions have a major impact on how we behave in the society. The individuals are constrained by the society, and the functionalists views the individuals in the society as a puppets. Functionalists says we as an individual have little power about what we do and the institution influences us. This can be seen in society in form of laws, norms, values (norm underpins values), beliefs and relationship. This theory suggests that the individuals in the society must behave properly; otherwise, they are regarded as deviant and are punished. Functionalism believes that every part of the society are interdependent with each other, which helps society to keep going. It is almost like a human body, where different parts of the body has a function together, which keep it alive and healthy; this is called organic analogy. For instance, the family helps by bringing up the next generation about the patterns of shared and stable behaviour that are called social order. Different social institution such as, legal system, political system, health system, family system and education system work together to maintain a stable society from generation to generation. For instance, the legal system provides laws, norms that underpin values, safety, discipline and order and the health system provides free health services, family system provides help in reproduction that increases the economy. All of these institutions together to form an ‘integrated whole’ society or social structure. The major function of these social constitutions are to make individual to follow the norms that underpins values and internalize them, which leads to value consensus. According to Talcott Parson, society is based on value consensus where shared and common values and behavioural norms lead to a common culture. Consensus is an agreement in the society about the values, and have freedom, equality, justice and fairness. These values are acquired by passing down from generation to generation, through primary socialisation. These values benefit everybody equally, some the example of values that exist in our society are right for equality, justice and privacy. There are mechanism of social control in the society, like punishment and rewards. Socialisation and social control ensure that there is equilibrium in the society. The process of socialisation achieves equilibrium in the society, whereas family, religion, law and mass media, which are the agents of socialisation, are responsible for maintaining the equilibrium. The functionalist believes that the western societies are meritocratic, which means the system rewards the individual in the society based on their effort and talent and social mobility is possible in this system. They also believe that people in the society can achieve status by working hard and there is equality of opportunity in the society. Talcott Parsons proposed the functionalist approach, which considers health and illness and assumes negative definition of health. He described that illness is a form of deviance that distracts proper functioning of the society, in the same way that crime does. Ill members in the society must perform a social role where sick role consists of four elements, two of which are right and responsibilities. The rights associated with the sick role was to be excused from normal social obligation and be cared for, whereas the responsibilities were to take steps to get better and co-operating with the medical professionals such as doctors. This view suggests that ill must be cared for and must be dealt with as soon as possible in order for the society to run smoothly. 1. Marxism The founder of Marxism is Karl Marx (1818-1883), who was a German philosopher, economist, sociologist and revolutionary socialist. Marxism structural (macro) perspective, where our behaviour is determined by the way society is organised. The social institutions such as laws, rules and norms have big impact on how we behave and we are controlled by the society. Marxists believes that the society is not interdependent, instead it believes that economy is the base or infrastructure of the society, and our behaviour depends upon the economy of the society. Marxists sees the society as a system that operates to make profit for the upper class. Whereas the working class are socially engineered to conform the needs of the upper class who benefit from the societies using capitalist economic system. Capitalists exists all around the world and the economies of industrial societies in the west are based on capitalism. Marxists explains that the capitalists economies compromises two main social class; the capitalists and the workers. The upper class people were the capitalists who were regarded as powerful, whereas the workers or the labours were the lower class people and were seen as powerless puppets. The capitalists exploits the workers since they do not get recognition for what they do as get have minimum wage and make surplus profit by persuading the lower class to buy the goods by advertising. The capitalists are opposite of socialism since the capitalists control what we think and what we do, the working class people are ‘brain washed’ into accepting set of beliefs that benefits the capitalists. These messages are seen to be transmitted through the cultural institutions such as media, which are controlled by the capitalists to influence the workers. The capitalists creates the dominant values that benefits the powerful and disadvantages the powerless. For instance, the monarch claim their position as god gifted and the religion help supports their point, due to which the working class people are convinced to what have to say since they have faith in their religion. Inequality in capitalist societies still exists and is unfair but they do not recognise it because the capitalists convince them that it is their fault for not achieving what they want. For instance, the capitalists would convince working class by saying the GCSE result of upper class is higher than that of lower class because they have been able to provide private tutors for their children, and it would be their fault if their children got low grade, since they were not able to provide their children with private tutors. Marxist believes that the definition of health and illness and the health and social care services provided to the powerless serve the interests of the powerful dominant classes. The capitalists regard people who do not produce wealth as unhealthy. Marxists believe that doctors are the example of agents that work for capitalists interests rather than those of patients so that they can go to work as soon as possible and provide the capitalists with healthy work force. The government allows the capitalists to make profit from the products that cause health issues, such as alcohol and tobacco. The industries that capitalists establish cause to pollute the atmosphere and produce toxic waste that affect the people and get ill. This approach believes that illness is related to difference in the social class. For instance, poverty-stricken areas have higher levels of illness and have lower life expectancy. According to this approach, the government do no handle this issue as this would make people ill, as this leads this money and the capitalists would make advantage of it. 1. Feminists Feminism is a range of movements and ideologies that work towards goal, which establish and achieve equal political, economic, cultural, personal and social rights for women. Feminism seeks to establish equal opportunities for women in different sectors like education and employment and supports for equal rights and equality of women. The feminists believe that gender inequality still exists in today’s society. Feminism is a perspective that believes that women are disadvantaged in the society and should have equal rights with the men. The feminists are critical of patriarchy. Patriarchy is a social system where the men hold the power and authority. The women have fought throughout the history for their rights and equality, which caused creation of waves of feminism. The first wave was observed in the mid late 19th century, campaigning for the change in rights for the women in early 20th century. They campaigned for two main strategy; right to vote and right to be educated. In 1928, the women were given the right to vote, but only rich women over 30 who owned property were allowed. The second wave of feminism was observed from 1960s, this lead to the formation of Women’s Rights Movement (WRM) and Women’s Liberation Movement (WLM). These organisations campaigned for right to equal pay act, domestic violence, sex discrimination, employment, violence services, education, family and health & social care. WRM and WLM were successful in achieving their rights for Equal pay Act in (1970), Sex Discrimination Act (1975) and right to be educated and be employed. Due to variation in opinion of causes of gender inequality and solutions to it, there was formation of three types of feminism; liberal feminism, Marxist feminism and radical feminism. Liberal feminism proposed that gender inequality stills exists in the society because of social and cultural attitudes that is gained by the process of socialisation i.e. primary and secondary socialisation. Liberal feminist helped to promote equality through Sex Discrimination and Equal Pay Act. Marxist feminism explained that the capitalists to earn profit using women. They would persuade women to buy groceries such as fabric softener, so that they would spend their money and exploit them. Radical feminism explains that the society is ruled by the men, whereas the female are oppressed, exploited and are regarded as second-class citizen. It states that men exploit women by relying on free domestic labour and men may use aggression to control women in the home. Through the gender role socialisation, wo men are convinced to accept female subordination and see motherhood as a key goal in life. The feminist writers have focused male domination in the medical profession and its effects on women. They are concerned with the way in which pregnancy and childbirth have been regarded as a medical issue rather than as natural process. Feminist writers have protested on the way which the medical professions and related pharmaceutical industries have given low priority about development and promotion of male contraceptives. It explains how women had to face medical conditions such as mental health, anxiety and depression using the contraceptives, due to which their position in the society is exploited. Theorist have been concerned about the impact of social inequality on women’s health and dual role of women. 1. Interactionism The founder of interactionism was Max Weber. Interpretivist describe that the society and the social structure are seen as the creation of individuals. Unlike functionalists, they see individuals of the society as actors not as puppets. The individuals have free will and are able to make choices of their own. Unlike in the functionalism, the power come from bottom to up. They believe that the people’s choices or decisions are influenced by how they make sense of social situations. For instance, marriage means different things to different person; an individual whose parents are divorced might have negative definition of marriage, whereas the individual who have grown up in a good family might have positive definition of marriage. The Interpretivist suggests that people make impression on how you perceive symbols, they make impression on what you wear. For instance, people will make assumption that you are smart, just because you wear glasses. These theorists are concerned with the small or micro scale situations rather than the systems, they focus on the individuals in social interaction situations. Interpretivist believe that our identity is based on how we see ourselves or how other sees us. For instance, if a student in the school is praised and us labelled as smart, then he/she might do better his/her studies as this helps to boost their self-esteem. We get influenced by media, friends and family about how we see ourselves. According to Browne labelling refers to â€Å"defining a person or a group in a certain way-as a particular ‘type‘ of person or a group†. According to Interpretivist people are attached to the labelled and it can actually damage some group of people such as disabled people. The person labelled behaves in the same way expected and they have fulfilled the prophecy and lived up to the label. Interactionist believe that health and illness are the product of social construction that affects people’s wellbeing. They believe that disease is socially constructed†. Disease does not exist as a social phenomenon until it is somehow perceived as existing† (Rosenberg 1989). This approach focuses on negotiation between the patients and medical practitioners. For instance, a female patient would feel comfortable to talk to female doctor about her reproductive health rather than a male doctor. They are concerned with labelling and self-image and social interaction differences affected by class, ethnicity and age. Symbolic interactionism is critical of Marxists and Functionalists as Interpretivist look individual as subjective through doctor and patient exchange. The argument here is that illness is a social diagnosis among actors rather than just a matter of physiological malfunction. 1. Postmodernism Postmodernism is an approach in sociology as well as in other subjects, which believes that society is changing rapidly and continuously, which is marked as an uncertainty and the social structure are being replaced by whole range of different and constantly changing social relationships. This theory believes that modern society was developed at around 1750s and has been replaced by the end of 20th century due to massive social change. The Functionalists and the Marxism perspective might be interested in modernity as they thought that if properly understood, societies could be improved. But the postmodernists argue that there is no longer a place in sociology for these type of theory. This theory suggests that the postmodern society has no progress, predictability (norms that people would predict to behave), order and continuity, due to which insecurities and anxiety has been developed in people living in postmodern society as people do not know how to behave and what is expected from others. Order, predictability and continuity are essential as it gives us routine and reassurance that provides us safety and security. Society has changed as it has gone through different industrial revolution or industrialisation, technological advances, urbanisation and secularisation. Industrialisation is the process of going from agricultural economy to heavy industrial/manufacturing economy. Secularisation is the decline of belief in religion due to rise of science whereas urbanisation means movement of people from rural areas to towns and cities. Postmodernists suggests that modern society no longer exists and we live in a postmodern era or in post modernity, where the society is media saturated. Due to the revolution of technology, globalisation has occurred where the world has become a smaller place to live in. The mass media has dominated our lives to the extent that we confuse media images with reality. This theory concludes that people in the postmodern society can have their own form of identities, how they want to see themselves or how they want to define themselves. There is diversity, choices and ‘pick and mix’ culture in this society. There is no imposition on people on how to behave and there is flexibility in the work. Due to fluidity and flexibility in the postmodern society, people might feel insecure and unsafe. 1. Collectivists and New Rights Collectivists Collectivists believes that their goal are more important than the individual goals because they believe that society as a whole has more importance than the individual alone. This theory focuses on the importance of the society and community and gives priority to the group goals than the individual goals. This approach aims to address the inequalities in the society due to different levels of wealth and status in the society. With an aim to sort out the inequalities, welfare state was established to get rid of five giant evils; want (poverty), idleness (unemployment), squalor (poor quality housing) and ignorance (underachievement). Services were made free after these giant evils were identified. To eradicate disease existing in the society, NHS service was established in 1948 to make sure that the people lived healthy life. The basic principle of collectivism is to provide people with education, health and social services for the individuals in the society who cannot afford it through taxes then access on the basis of rights as opposed to the ability to pay. These helped to provide foundation for the Welfare State which is based on the collectivists principle ‘cradle to grave’ or child to old age pension. This approach was adopted by The Labour Party who represented workers which aimed for the redistribution of wealth through taxes. In this policy, the government would cut off taxes from the wealthy people and share it with the poor (shares some ideas with Marxists). Collectivists believes that we have equal rights and the government should administer responsibility for Welfare State. The New Rights criticises the Collectivism as it creates the dependency culture. They point out that people become irresponsible, lazy and don not work as benefits are demotivating for the people. New rights The New Right was popular during 1980s. They are the political movement with a considerable cultural influence that looks at individualism and distrust of the state as controlling and interfering in what is essentially the private world of the individual. They proposed to cut the public spending and cut taxes. They wanted the rich people to have more money to spend money as they choose. The New rights was critical of Collectivists stating that the rising costs to government of the welfare state were preventing the economic growth and the individuals were becoming dependant on the welfare state. The New Rights were critical of public services owned/controlled by the government and they preferred pro private services e.g. education and health care. The New Right is argued to favour ‘the rich’, but they believe that everybody in the society has equal opportunity, so anyone can become rich. E.g. Alan Sugar. They believe that people must be responsible for their own and their family’s welfare and they should not be dependent on the government. The New Rights are completely opposite to Collectivism. The most radical New Rights would abolish the Welfare State. g) Bio-medical and social models Bio medical Model Biomedical model focuses on the physical or biological aspects of disease and illness. The doctors or the health care professionals are associated with the care and treatment of diseases in this model of health. The bio medical model accept a ‘negative’ definition of health. The negative definition of health explains that the individual believes that they have good state of health and wellbeing because they have absence of physical illness, disease, injury, mental stress, free from pain and discomfort. The bio medical model of is dominant model in our society since it is based on objectivity thus this model has influenced or convinced people in the society. This model emphasises on diagnosis and treatment of the individuals separately from their living condition, due to which this model is not holistic approach. The reasons for illness are not at the centre of biomedical model. This model believes that health is a biological normality and describe that having ill health is deviant. This model believes that the disease is caused by identical factors such as germs, genes and accidents. They can be identified by having examination tests like blood, urine, saliva test, X-ray and MRI. They accept that the professionals diagnose disease then treatment is identified and cure is offered to the patient. The professionals views the human body as a machine and see things very clinically and do not really take consideration to people’s feeling. They often promote the view that disease or illness is temporary. This model indicates that we all have equal chance of getting ill and some people get ill due to weak health, whereas some people get ill due to factors such as weak sanitation. It assumes that medical treatment has had the most important impact on improving the health of individual. For instance, the NHS helps in the prolonged and preserves life, but this can be argued as health of an individual had already started to get better due to access to clean water, exercise and diet. The strength of bio medical model of health is that it is based on scientific knowledge and research and has provided many effective treatments for disease and physical condition. The bio medical model of health has be successful to provide many effective cure and treatments for disease throughout the history of humankind. The weakness of biomedical model of health is that the treatments can be expensive and require training or expertise to deliver and this model focuses on the individual and pays insufficient attention to environmental and social factors, which is not a holistic approach. Social Model The social model accepts the positive definition of health. The positive definition of health can be described as the achievement and maintenance of physical fitness and mental stability. This model believes that health is a relative concept and a social construct. For instance, being voluptuous centuries ago was a sign of good health, but today’s day it is regarded as health issue or overweight. This model claims that ill health is caused due to social factors (including environmental factors). For instance people can get ill because of the unhealthy diet they are consuming, poor living condition or pollution. This model is critical of ‘modern’ medicine, which are elements of biomedical model. E.g. Iatrogenisis medicine caused deformity in the baby consumed by pregnant mother eaten for nausea sickness. It argues with the biomedical model saying that illness is not randomly distributed and are critical of the assumption that medical treatments has had the most important impact on improving health. Social model can explain why population level health improvements were achieved when social conditions improved late 19th/early 20th centuries due to the improvement of sanitation and supply of clean water the health of population improved, and argues it was not because free health services was delivered to the people. The strengths of social model of health is that it focuses population health and takes a broad range of factors into account and it is widely used and understood by health care practitioners in developed countries. This model offers board and flexible and inclusive way of understanding health and illness. Whereas the weakness of this model is they do not have a clear way of identifying or classifying health problems and this model cannot explain illness or many mental health problems where there are no physical signs or symptoms, which can be distressing. The social model cannot be used to address an individual’s health problems, especially where emergency care is needed.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Quotes on 1984

Golden country â€Å"Presumably she could be trusted to find a safe place. In general you could not assume that you were much safer in the country than in London. There were no telescreens, of course, but there was always the danger of concealed microphones by which your voice might be picked up and recognized; besides, it was not easy to make a journey by yourself without attracting attention† An old, close-bitten pasture, with a footpath wandering across it and a molehill here and there.In the ragged hedge on the opposite side the boughs of the elm trees swayed just perceptibly in the breeze, and their leaves stirred faintly in dense masses like women's hair. Surely somewhere nearby, but out of sight, there must be a stream with green pools where dace were swimming? It was in the sun, they in the shade. It spread out its wings, fitted them carefully into place again, ducked its head for a moment, as though making a sort of obeisance to the sun, and then began to pour forth a torrent of song the rented roomWhat appealed to him about it was not so much its beauty as the air it seemed to possess of belonging to an age quite different from the present one. The soft, rain-watery glass was not like any glass that he had ever seen. The thing was doubly attractive because of its apparent uselessness, though he could guess that it must once have been intended as a paperweight. It was very heavy in his pocket, but fortunately it did not make much of a bulge. It was a queer thing, even a compromising thing, for a Party member to have in his possession. There was a small bookcase in the other corner, and Winston had already gravitated towards it.It contained nothing but rubbish. The old man was standing in front of a picture in a rosewood frame which hung on the other side of the fireplace, opposite the bed. Winston came across to examine the picture. It was steel engraving of an oval building with rectangular windows, and small tower in front. It seemed vaguely f amiliar. Winston wondered vaguely to what century the church belonged. It was always difficult to determine the age of a London building†¦. One could not learn history from architecture any more than one could learn it from books.Statues, inscriptions, memorial stones, the names of streets — anything that might throw light upon the past had been systematically altered. Winston lingered for some minutes more, talking to the old man, whose name was Charrington. All the while they were talking the half-remembered rhyme kept running through Winston's head. ‘Oranges and lemons say the bells of St Clement's, You owe me three farthings, say the bells of St Martin's! ‘ It was curious, but when you said it to yourself you had the illusion of actually hearing bells, the bells of a lost London that still existed somewhere or other, disguised and forgotten†¦ et so far as he could remember he had never in real life heard church bells ringing. He got away from Mr Char rington and went down the stairs alone. He had already made up his mind that after a suitable interval – a month, say – he would take the risk of visiting the shop again. Yes, he thought, he would come back. He would buy further scraps of beautiful rubbish. He would buy the engraving of St Clement Danes, take it out of its frame, and carry it home. He would drag the rest of that poem out of Mr Charrington's memory. Even the lunatic project of renting the room upstairs flashed momentarily through his mind again.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Necrophilia

Necrophilia is the practice of having sex with corpses. Necrophilia, a Greek word that means â€Å"love of the dead†. It is a very common act among serial killers. Various well-known serial killers have been diagnosed with necrophilia, such as: Earl Leonard Nelson a/k/a â€Å"Gorilla Man†, which is known as the first American serial sex killer of the twentieth century. Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Ed Gein and many more among the ones mentioned. Although necrophilia seems to be rare and uncommon in our society, it is a very common disorder within a serial killers profile. Necrophilia may sound like a rare illness due to the fact that it isn’t being reported the way it should be. When necrophilies take action, the most common place they break into is funeral homes. A reason for not reporting these acts would certainly be that funeral homes do not want the publicity. When funeral homes report that there has been a break in and that bodies have been disturbed, no one will want to bring their deceased friends and family members, fearing that their loved one will be taken advantage of. The press/media is an effective way of informing and educating the public about what goes on in our society. Necrophilia is hidden from society because it is not normal behavior. Necrophilia is immoral and unethical. Therefore, society tends to turn away and pretend as if nothing is wrong. Research indicates that 90% of necrophiliacs are primarily heterosexual males. 60% of necrophilies were diagnosed with personality disorders and 10% of those diagnosed with personality disorders are also psychotic. Funeral homes are not the only places where necrophilies are attracted. They are very popular within hospitals, mortuaries, funeral parlors, and cemeteries. Necrophilies are attracted to the odor of blood and the feel for dead skin. Some necrophilies have used parts of the bodies of their victims to furnish their homes and even for the use of sil... Free Essays on Necrophilia Free Essays on Necrophilia Necrophilia is the practice of having sex with corpses. Necrophilia, a Greek word that means â€Å"love of the dead†. It is a very common act among serial killers. Various well-known serial killers have been diagnosed with necrophilia, such as: Earl Leonard Nelson a/k/a â€Å"Gorilla Man†, which is known as the first American serial sex killer of the twentieth century. Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Ed Gein and many more among the ones mentioned. Although necrophilia seems to be rare and uncommon in our society, it is a very common disorder within a serial killers profile. Necrophilia may sound like a rare illness due to the fact that it isn’t being reported the way it should be. When necrophilies take action, the most common place they break into is funeral homes. A reason for not reporting these acts would certainly be that funeral homes do not want the publicity. When funeral homes report that there has been a break in and that bodies have been disturbed, no one will want to bring their deceased friends and family members, fearing that their loved one will be taken advantage of. The press/media is an effective way of informing and educating the public about what goes on in our society. Necrophilia is hidden from society because it is not normal behavior. Necrophilia is immoral and unethical. Therefore, society tends to turn away and pretend as if nothing is wrong. Research indicates that 90% of necrophiliacs are primarily heterosexual males. 60% of necrophilies were diagnosed with personality disorders and 10% of those diagnosed with personality disorders are also psychotic. Funeral homes are not the only places where necrophilies are attracted. They are very popular within hospitals, mortuaries, funeral parlors, and cemeteries. Necrophilies are attracted to the odor of blood and the feel for dead skin. Some necrophilies have used parts of the bodies of their victims to furnish their homes and even for the use of sil...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Actinides (Actinide Series) Element Properties

Actinides (Actinide Series) Element Properties At the bottom of the periodic table, there is a special group of radioactive metallic elements. These elements have interesting properties and play a key role in nuclear chemistry. Actinides Definition The actinides or actinoids are a set of radioactive elements on the periodic table, usually considered ranging from atomic number 89 to atomic number 103. Location of the Actinides The modern periodic table has two rows of elements below the main body of the table. The actinides are the elements in the bottom row. The top row is the lanthanide series. The reason these two rows of elements are placed below the main table is that they dont fit in the design without making the table confusing and very wide. However, these two rows of elements are metals, sometimes considered a subset of the transition metals group. In fact, the lanthanides and actinides are sometimes called the inner transition metals, referring to their properties and position on the table. Two ways of including the lanthanides and actinides within a periodic table are to include those elements in their corresponding rows with the transition metals (makes the table wider) or ballooning them out to make a three-dimensional table. List of Elements in the Actinide Series There are 15 actinide elements. The electronic configurations of the actinides utilize the f sublevel, with the exception of lawrencium (a d-block element). Depending on your interpretation of the periodicity of the elements, the series begins with actinium or thorium, continuing to lawrencium. The usual list of elements in the actinide series is: Actinium (Ac)Thorium (Th)Protactinium (Pa)Uranium (U)Neptunium (Np)Plutonium (Pu)Americium (Am)Curium (Cm)Berkelium (Bk)Californium (Cf)Einsteinium (Es)Fermium (Fm)Mendelevium (Md)Nobelium (No)Lawrencium (Lr) Actinide Abundance The only two actinides found in appreciable quantities in the Earths crust are thorium and uranium. Small quantities of plutonium and neptunium are present in uranium orders. Actinium and protactinium occur as decay products of certain thorium and uranium isotopes. The other actinides are considered synthetic elements. If they occur naturally, it is part of a decay scheme of a heavier element. Common Properties of the Actinides Actinides share the following common properties: All are radioactive. These elements have no stable isotopes.Actinides are highly electropositive.The metals tarnish readily in air. These elements are pyrophoric (spontaneously ignite in air), particularly as finely divided powders.Actinides are very dense metals with distinctive structures. Numerous allotropes may be formed (plutonium has at least 6 allotropes!). The exception is actinium, which has fewer crystalline phases.They react with boiling water or dilute acid to release hydrogen gas.Actinide metals tend to be fairly soft. Some can be cut with a knife.These elements are malleable and ductile.All of the actinides are paramagnetic.All of these elements are silver-colored metals that are solid at room temperature and pressure.Actinides combine directly with most nonmetals.The actinides successively fill the 5f sublevel. Many actinide metals have properties of both d block and f block elements.Actinides display several valence states (typically more than the lanthanides). Most a re prone to hybridization. The actinides (An) may be prepared by reduction of AnF3  or AnF4  with vapors of Li, Mg, Ca, or Ba at 1100 - 1400 °C. Actinide Uses For the most part, we dont encounter these radioactive elements much in daily life. Americium is found in smoke detectors. Thorium is found in gas mantles. Actinium is used in scientific and medical research as a neutron source, indicator, and gamma source. Actinides may be used as dopants to make glass and crystals luminescent. The bulk of actinide use goes to energy production and defense operations. The primary use of the actinide elements is as nuclear reactor fuel and for the production of nuclear weapons. The actinides are favored for these reactions because they readily undergo nuclear reactions, releasing incredible amounts of energy. If the conditions are right, the nuclear reactions may become chain reactions. References E. Fermi (1934). Possible Production of Elements of Atomic Number Higher than 92.  Nature.  133  (3372): 898–899.Greenwood, Norman N.; Earnshaw, Alan (1997). Chemistry of the Elements (2nd ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann. pp. 1230–1242.Theodore Gray (2009).  The Elements: A Visual Exploration of Every Known Atom in the Universe. New York: Black Dog Leventhal Publishers. p.  240.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Why Homeschooling Is on the Rise

Why Homeschooling Is on the Rise Homeschooling is an educational choice surrounded by many myths and misconceptions. Even though this method continues to provide high national test scores and well-rounded, diversely educated children, many people still do not see the virtue of the choice. They often have preconceived notions about what goes on in homeschooling. History and Background of Homeschooling Homeschooling is defined as instruction in an educational program outside of established schools. Homeschooling  dates back to the 1960s with a counter-culture movement that soon fizzled out. The movement was rekindled in the 1970s after the Supreme Court upheld the decision that removing school prayer was not unconstitutional. This decision sparked the Christian movement to homeschool although, at the time, it was illegal in 45 states. Laws slowly changed, and by 1993 homeschooling was recognized as a parent’s right in all 50 states. (Neal, 2006) As people continue to see the benefits, the numbers continue to grow. In 2007, the U.S. Department of Education reported that the number of homeschooling students had climbed from 850,000 in 1999 to 1.1 million in 2003. (Fagan, 2007) Reasons People Homeschool As a homeschooling mother of two I am frequently asked why I homeschool. I believe that Mariette Ulrich (2008) best summed up the reasons why people homeschool when she said: I prefer to make those [educational] choices myself. Not because I think I know ‘better’ than all those professional educators, but I do think I know my own children best, and consequently which programs and methods would benefit them. Homeschooling is not about rejecting other people and things; it’s about making personal and positive choices for your own family. (1) While statistics do not show that violence is on the rise, it is hard to ignore stories in the news relating violent school events on a regular basis. Because of these perceptions of school violence, it isn’t difficult to understand why some parents want to educate their children at home. However, this is sometimes viewed as an attempt to shelter their children. Homeschoolers understand that sheltering their children would not do any good. They will still be exposed to the violence in the world through other mediums. Nevertheless, homeschooling does help to keep them safe by keeping them away from the current trend of school violence. While school violence is now a leading factor in many parents’ decisions there are many different reasons for choosing to homeschool. The statistics state that: 31.2 percent of home-schooling parents say that â€Å"concern about the environment of other schools† was their primary reason for home instruction16.5 percent stated â€Å"dissatisfaction with the academic instruction in other schools†29.8 percent said â€Å"to provide religious or moral instruction†6.5 percent was â€Å"because the child has a physical or mental health problem†7.2 percent said â€Å"because the child has other special needs†8.8 percent gave â€Å"other reasons† (Fagan, 2007). For my family it was a combination of the first three reasons- academic dissatisfaction being top- along with specific incidents that led us to decide to homeschool. How Homeschooled Students Perform Academically People might have their own preconceived ideas about who exactly homeschools. Homeschoolers initially consisted of white, middle-class, and/or religious fundamentalist families, but is no longer limited to this group. (Greene Greene, 2007) In fact, the number of African American homeschoolers has steadily grown in recent years.  (Black, 2006,) You can understand why when looking at national statistics. A significant discovery in the study Strengths of Their Own: Home Schoolers Across America stated that there was no difference in homeschooling scores based on the student’s race, and that scores for both minority and white students in grades k-12 averaged in the 87th percentile. (Klicka, 2006) This statistic is in sharp contrast to the public school systems where 8th grade white students score in th e 57th percentile on average, while blacks and Hispanic students score in the 28th percentile in reading alone. (Klicka, 2006) Statistics do not speak favorably only about minorities but all students who homeschool, regardless of their demographics. The study â€Å"Strengths of Their Own: Home Schoolers Across America† completed in 1997, included 5,402 students that homeschool. The study verified that on average, homeschoolers were performing higher than their public school equivalent â€Å"by 30 to 37 percentile points in all subjects.† (Klicka, 2006) This seems to be the case in all studies performed on homeschoolers; however, due to the lack of standard test practices in each state and no unbiased collection of these scores, it is hard to determine the exact average score for homeschooling families. In addition to flourishing standardized test scores, many homeschool students also have the benefit of fulfilling graduation requirements and going to college earlier. This is attributed to flexible nature of homeschooling.  (Neal, 2006) Studies have also been made to compare homeschool and public school settings in cases of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders. The studies showed that homeschooling parents provided educational settings yielding more â€Å"academic engaged time (AET)† in comparison to the public school settings, making homeschooling more beneficial for the child’s development and learning. (Duvall, 2004) Due to this increase in academic performance it is no wonder that colleges are attempting to recruit more homeschoolers because of their high test scores coupled with their self-discipline for completing work. In an article sent around to college personnel about the benefits of making special efforts to recruit homeschoolers Greene and Green say, â€Å"We believe that the homeschool population represents fertile ground for college enrollment efforts, consisting as it does of many bright students with a wide array of educational, personal, and family experiences.†Ã‚   Homeschool Teacher Qualifications Beyond the statistics, when someone talks about homeschooling, usually two points come up. The first is whether the parent is qualified to teach their child, and the second and possibly biggest question asked of  homeschoolers everywhere is about socialization. Qualification is a big concern because opponents of homeschooling believe that parents do not have the ability to teach children like a certified teacher does. I do agree that teachers have accreditation beyond what typical homeschooling parents do, but I also believe that parents have the ability to teach a child any class that they would need, especially in the elementary years. Children have an ability in homeschool that is not available to them in a traditional classroom. If a student has a question in class, it might not be the appropriate time to ask the question, or the teacher might be too busy to answer. However, in homeschool if a child has a question, time can be taken to answer the question or look up the answer if it is unknown. No one all of the answers, not even teachers; after all they are human as well. Dave Arnold of the National Education Association (NEA) stated, â€Å"You would think that they might leave this- the shaping of their children’s minds, careers, and futures- to trained professionals.† (Arnold, 2008) Why would it make more sense to leave these important factors in a child’s life to a person who with be with him for only a year? Why leave those factors to someone  who does not have time to develop the child’s strengths and weaknesses and provide one-on-one time with him? After all even Albert Einstein was homeschooled. However, there are resources for parents who aren’t confident about teaching higher level classes. Some options include: online or correspondence coursesco-opscommunity college classes (Fagan, 2007) With these classes- usually utilized in math or science but available in all subjects- students have the benefit of a teacher knowledgeable in the subject. Tutoring and access to the teacher for specific help are usually available.   While I do disagree with the statement that parents are not qualified to teach their children, I believe that there should be end of year testing. This requirement is on a state to state guideline, and I believe that it should be made mandatory so that a parent can prove that homeschooling is effective for her child. If public school children are required to take these tests, then so should homeschoolers. Virginia law states that all families must register [with their local school district] on a per yearly basis and submit results of professional standardized testing scores (similar to SOL) although there is an option of â€Å"religious exemption† that does not require any end of year testing. (Fagan, 2007) The study â€Å"Strengths of Their Own: Home Schoolers Across America† also found that students ranged in the 86th percentile â€Å"regardless of state regulation,† whether a state had no regulations or a large amount of regulations. (Klicka, 2006, p. 2) These statistics show that state regulations on testing, on what degree of certification a parent has (which can range from no high school diploma to certified teacher to holder of a non-relational bachelors degree), and compulsory attendance laws all have no significance in regards to scores achieved on tests. Homeschool Student Socialization Finally the biggest concern among  those questioning or outright opposed to homeschooling is socialization. Socialization is defined as : â€Å"1. To place under government or group ownership or control. 2. To make fit for companionship with others; make sociable. 3. To convert or adapt to the needs of society.† The first definition is not applicable to education but the second and third are worth looking into. People believe that kids need socialization with other children in order for them to be productive members of society. I completely agree with that. I believe if you have a child who is homeschooled and is rarely in public, interacting with others, then I agree that you will have a problem with that child in years to come. That is just common sense. However, I do not believe socializing is fitting in with other children their own ages that have no moral compass, no sense of right, or wrong and no respect for teachers and authority figures. When children are young and impressionable, it is hard for them to tell which children to steer clear of, often until it is too late. This is where peer pressure comes into play, and children want to mimic their peer group’s behavior in order to fit in and receive group acceptance. Dave Arnold of the NEA also speaks about one specific website that says not to worry about socialization. He says, â€Å"If this website encouraged homeschooled children to join after-school clubs at the local school, or participate in sports or other community activities, then I might feel different. Maine state laws, for example, require local school districts to allow home-schooled students to participate in their athletic programs† (Arnold, 2008, p. 1). There are two problems with his statement. The first untruth is that most homeschoolers dont want to participate in elementary and high school sports like this. There arent legal requirements in each state allowing them to so in states without laws it is based on the individual school board. The problem with this is that school boards sometimes do not allow homeschoolers to participate in their organized sports, whether due to lack of funding or discrimination. The second untruth in his statement is that homeschoolers do encourage these types of activities. Homeschoolers in general know that their children need interaction with other children (of all age ranges not just specific to their own grade) and do everything possible to ensure their children receive this. This comes in the form of: team sportsco-ops (groups of homeschoolers who get together weekly to exchange classes to allow for socialization and taking advantage of the parents’ strong teaching points)support groups (homeschoolers that get together on a regular basis for the children to play or participate in activities such as bowling or roller skating)clubs such as 4H  and scoutslessons such as dance and karate. Many  public libraries, museums, gyms and other community groups and businesses offer programs and classes, catering to the growing number of homeschoolers. (Fagan, 2007) This usually allows more avenues for education as well as opportunities for homeschooling families to get together. Socialization is a very important aspect in every child’s life. However, homeschool graduates that have been exposed to these avenues of socialization have shown just as much ability to survive in and contribute to society as their public school counterparts. Homeschooling is a viable option to those who feel that their children aren’t learning enough, are falling prey to peer pressure, or are exposed or susceptible to too much violence in school. Homeschooling has statistically proven over time that it is a method of education that succeeds with test scores surpassing those in public schools. Homeschool graduates have proven themselves in the college arena and beyond. The questions of qualification and socialization are often argued, but as you can see have no solid facts to stand on. As long as the test scores of those students whose parents are not certified teachers remains higher than public school children, no one can argue for higher qualification regulations. Even though the socialization of homeschoolers does not fit in the standard box of a public classroom setting, it is proven to be just as effective if not better in providing quality (not quantity) socializing opportunities. The results speak for themselves in the long run. I am often asked why I homeschool.  There are so many answers to this question- dissatisfaction with public schools, safety, the state of society today, lack of religion and morals- that I would end up going on and on. However, I think my feelings are summed up in the popular phrase, â€Å"I’ve seen the village, and I don’t want it raising my child.† References Arnold, D. (2008, February 24). Home schools run by well-meaning amateurs: schools with good teachers are best-suited to shape young minds. National Education Association. Retrieved March 7, 2006, from Black flight- to homeschool (2006, March-April). Practical Homeschooling 69. 8(1). Retrieved March 2, 2006, from Gale database. Duvall, S., Delaquadri, J., Ward D. L. (2004, Wntr). A preliminary investigation of the effectiveness of homeschool instructional environments for student with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. School Psychological Review, 331; 140(19). Retrieved March 2, 2008, from Gale database. Fagan, A. (2007, November 26) Teach your children well; with new resources, home-schooling numbers grow (page one)(special report). The Washington Times, A01. Retrieved March 2, 2008, from Gale database. Greene, H. Greene, M. (2007, August). There’s no place like home: as the homeschool population grows, college and universities must increase enrollment efforts targeted to this group (Admissions). University Business, 10.8, 25(2). Retrieved March 2, 2008, from Gale database. Klicka, C. (2004, October 22). Academic statistics on homeschooling. HSLDA. Retrieved April 2, 2008, from Neal, A. (2006, September-October) Excelling in and out of the home, homeschooled kids are thriving across the country. Students demonstrating exceptional academic honors are capturing top slots at national competitions. Saturday Evening Post, 278.5, 54(4). Retrieved March 2, 2008, from Gale database. Ulrich, M. (2008, January) Why I homeschool: (because people keep asking). Catholic Insight, 16.1. Retrieved March 2, 2008 from Gale database. Updated by  Kris Bales

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Importance of Ice in Developing Coastal Communities Article

Importance of Ice in Developing Coastal Communities - Article Example For an ice business to be set up, the company should understand first the area whether it is sometimes affected by the disaster and the magnitude of the disaster. If such areas are prone to be affected by disaster, the company should store the product in excess so that when the disaster strikes, they will have enough products to satisfy the extra demand. In a disaster, approximately 10 lb of ice is required per person. Which means if 5, 000n people are affected by a hurricane it means 50,000 lb of ice is required. For product preservation such as pharmaceutical or fish preservatives, 30 lbs of ice per cubic meter is required. This constant demand will keep the demand at a stable rate. To reach the customers, the company should promote the product through advertising the product in through the media such as newspapers, ads, fliers in remote areas, and TV commercials. The company should also offer discounts to products sold at recreation facilities and promoting it at introductory pric e. Ice preserved medicines are pharmaceutical products such as vaccines and temperature sensitive clinical trial medicines that should be stored in places between 20C and 80C ensure their quality is not compromised. Products manufactured from plasma and red blood cell components detached from whole blood for transfusion also require extra care during storage to prevent them from spoiling as a result of high temperature. For quality of medical products to be maintained, all medicine needs to be stored and handled with guidelines from the manufacturer. The World Health Organization advocates for special storage conditions such as the need for ice preservation to ensure correct storage for refrigerated medicines. Manufacturers must be directed by good manufacturing practice in their production, storage and transportation and it is vital that medical facilities within the developing world handle temperature sensitive medicines as required to provide a

Organisational Structure and design for a virtual world - Dell case Essay

Organisational Structure and design for a virtual world - Dell case - Essay Example But like every coin has two sides the virtual world also has limitations too (Camarinha-Matos and Afsarmanesh, n.d., p.4-6). This project deal is about the case of Dell who uses the virtual organisation’s model for its operations. The case outlines the opportunities that the virtual organisation’s model has provided to the Dell in improving its operations as well as the limitations the company faces because of using virtual organisation structure. The report includes a detailed study on the virtual organisation including the merits and the demerits of these types of organisational structure. The organisational structure has been analysed in detail to assess compare the different organisational structures with the virtual organisational structure. The case have been critically analysed to assess the strength and weakness of the company on using this type of organisational structure so that solutions can be identified for improving the limitations. Company background Dell Computer Incorporation which began its operations during 1984 as a hardware manufacturing firm under the leadership of Michael Dell is found to diversify its operations to enter the electronic commerce paradigm. The company initially depended greatly on revenues emanating from direct sales operations which were conducted based on orders received out of telephonic contacts. Dell being able to serve orders in an optimal manner became successful to gain huge amount of business profits in a quick span of time. Diversification from the current business and sales strategy was assumed by the company by drifting from direct sales to conducting sales through the help of internet. ... Diversification from the current business and sales strategy was assumed by the company by drifting from direct sales to conducting sales through the help of internet. For the above purpose the company went in to create its own website where different types of products along with relevant information were published which helped the clients of the concern to effectively book them. Operating based on the orders placed in by the clients as during the direct selling period it helped in to maximise the utilisation of is electronic commerce interface. The electronic commerce interface not only helped the company to enhance its sales revenue on a daily basis but also helped the concern to enhance its relation with its clients and customers. Clients of Dell obtained the pleasure of getting their queries addressed online which thereby enhanced the goodwill factor of the company. Enhancement of the electronic commerce paradigm was conducted by the company by engaging its supplier network which helped the company management gain control over its production parameters and deliver ordered products on a timely basis. In this context the company also designed a separate organisational team which mainly started focusing on the electronic commerce process in order to enhance its feasibility (Kraemer and Dedrick, 2001, p.4-6). Literature review Virtual organisation The advance use of information technology helped to create a newer organisational structure which is referred to as virtual in nature. In this regard, Wiesenfeld, Raghuram and Garud (1998) state that the virtual nature of the organisation is enabled owing to the connection of different organisational activities based on an online

Friday, October 18, 2019

Evaluating Impact of Corporate Culture and Pressure to Meet the Case Study

Evaluating Impact of Corporate Culture and Pressure to Meet the Numbers in Accounting Reporting Environment - Case Study Example This was a move to counter-to-counter competition from J&J. Another approach was also the routine of frequently rolling over unpaid bills to ensure that customers did not return surplus goods in addition to offering numerous promotions for clients who purchased or ordered large lenses packages. The managers also shipped unordered lenses and glasses to clients such as doctors. Some managers, such as Johnson in U.S, forced their local distributors to take extremely large stocks of older Optima lenses by deceiving them that they would not be required to pay for the unsold lenses. The excess glasses ended up being stuffed in the warehouses. The actions taken by B&L managers were both unethical and illegal. The overall impact was eventual dropping of profits since the sales were phony and resulted in deceitful profits. The B&L shares dropped to 30 shillings in 1994. Another likely long-term effect was the loss of trust on the companies by customers hence decline in the shareholder value (Maremont and Bamathan Web). The corporate pressurized B&L managers to achieve illogical target since the culture lacked ways to monitor and alter its objectives Environmental variations can make existing policies and objectives inappropriate thus top management should ensure the plans are adjusted constantly to fit the fluctuating environment. B&L top management did not alter the targets even when the constraints in the external environment demanded so thus the managers invented inappropriate ways to meet the incongruous targets. B&L corporate culture and pressure to meet the numbers in accounting reporting environment numbers drove B&Ls manager some reasonable degree to engage in the malpractices (Maremont and Bamathan Web). The managers came up with strategies to maintain phenomenal records which enabled them to get bonuses and compensation. They

Television Plug-In Drug Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Television Plug-In Drug - Assignment Example Ms. Winn emphasized the points in her essay through emotional appeal on some of the aspects such as deteriorating family relationships since even during meal times the television is switched on. Ms. Winn stated that parents have settled for the convenient lifestyle provided by the television, it gives the children company throughout and therefore also acts as a babysitter. What I found lacking in Ms. Winn’s work was significant empirical evidence that would substantiate her work. Mostly she has used an emotional appeal to sway the readers off the importance of evidence that would justify her stance. Therefore, in order to get a clearer picture of the issue I looked for some empirical evidence on the topic which I researched the topic â€Å"Research on Television Addiction† on EBSCO host and found in the article â€Å"Measuring Television Addiction† by Cary W. Horvath. The article was published in the Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, which I believe is a very authentic source of information, moreover the author Ms. Horvath is Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication and Theater at Youngstown State University, which for me adds a lot more value to the credibility of the research. Ms.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Wall street Journal write-ups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wall street Journal write-ups - Essay Example Mention also of subprime lending as a possible instigator. Outlining further the history of economic crisis and how such circumstances play into crisis like these. How these crisis can have multiple causes and many intricacies. In the process of moving forward to find a solution to this financial crisis, many different options are available for consideration. The need to look at a situation like an economic crisis with logic and rational thinking, rather than emotions. Social Psychologist suggestion that when in doubt, people look to believe whatever they can to get them through. The article makes reference to the issue of regulatory practices which goes with the discussion in Chapter 12 having to do with regulation and its impact. Detailed in the section â€Å"Effect of Regulation on the Actions of Employers† Pages 573-575. The discussion which Claomiris sets forth to have is quite relevant for the times. The issue of how the many different circumstances that can occur could lead to such an economic downturn for many people. It is of the utmost importance to look at the larger picture that comes with the issue of economics and how best to aid an ailing economy. To formulate such solutions without the presence of emotional bias, but rather an educated approach with a rational mind. As is the case with many things, the history of what has happened in the economy before, both at home and abroad, is something that can be quite useful to analyze and consider as Claomiris suggests in his writing. Countless economic crisis have in fact occurred over the years. Each situation being individually different, but also having a central theme that can be tied in with others to find a central path towards a solution. As there are multiple circumstances at the root of the issue, there are just as many people who have played a part. Issues with things such as the real estate market and government

Object-Oriented Technologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Object-Oriented Technologies - Essay Example A vivid example of these technologies is human-machine interface simulator. The human-machine interface simulator has a kind of on-line object-oriented database model that describes the hierarchical structure of man-machine interface equipment. The dynamic changes of various sensors and actuators in the man-machine interface system can be simulated by rewriting the corresponding attributes of the instrumentation and controls equipment in the object-oriented database in accordance with the dynamic changes of both the plant simulator and the human model simulator. The on-line object-oriented database of the man-machine interface can be constructed easily by using a special graphic editor with icons. The object-oriented technologies are based on analysis of the data. In this case, †the information or object model contains the definition of objects in the system, which includes: the object name, the object attributes, and object relationships to other objects† (Object-Oriente d Analysis 2007). Some other devices move or deform to simulate the shapes of virtual objects. Users can physically contact the surface of the virtual object. The new interface devices are also based on object-oriented technologies. Deformation of the screen converts the two-dimensional image from the projector into a solid image. The main factors of object-oriented programming include â€Å"correctness, robustness, extendibility and reusability† (Meyer 557). In sum, a goal of object-oriented technologies is to guide technological design to optimize interactions between human operators and the systems they use

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wall street Journal write-ups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wall street Journal write-ups - Essay Example Mention also of subprime lending as a possible instigator. Outlining further the history of economic crisis and how such circumstances play into crisis like these. How these crisis can have multiple causes and many intricacies. In the process of moving forward to find a solution to this financial crisis, many different options are available for consideration. The need to look at a situation like an economic crisis with logic and rational thinking, rather than emotions. Social Psychologist suggestion that when in doubt, people look to believe whatever they can to get them through. The article makes reference to the issue of regulatory practices which goes with the discussion in Chapter 12 having to do with regulation and its impact. Detailed in the section â€Å"Effect of Regulation on the Actions of Employers† Pages 573-575. The discussion which Claomiris sets forth to have is quite relevant for the times. The issue of how the many different circumstances that can occur could lead to such an economic downturn for many people. It is of the utmost importance to look at the larger picture that comes with the issue of economics and how best to aid an ailing economy. To formulate such solutions without the presence of emotional bias, but rather an educated approach with a rational mind. As is the case with many things, the history of what has happened in the economy before, both at home and abroad, is something that can be quite useful to analyze and consider as Claomiris suggests in his writing. Countless economic crisis have in fact occurred over the years. Each situation being individually different, but also having a central theme that can be tied in with others to find a central path towards a solution. As there are multiple circumstances at the root of the issue, there are just as many people who have played a part. Issues with things such as the real estate market and government

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Strategic sales management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Strategic sales management - Essay Example The process of having a good human resource base does not end with recruiting people as it is equally important to have motivated employees who can easily align their personal objectives with the organizational objectives so as to bring about organizational efficiency and generate competitive advantage. In order to have motivated employees, it is necessary to ensure a proper job fit so as to align the objectives of the employees and the employers. This requires a good recruitment strategy that would actually help in selecting a set of individuals who would be able to align themselves with the job responsibilities as well as the working culture in the organization. This would also boost up the morale of the employees who would be motivated to take up the job responsibilities (Griffin & Moorhead, 2009, p.118). The present study would be based on analysing the recruitment and staffing issues for the FMCG giant Procter & Gamble. The choice of the organization assumes significance as the company is considered to be among the largest FMCG companies of the world having its operations in diverse geographies with a wide product portfolio. The study would analyse the present recruitment policy of the organization and would try to find out the possible shortcomings in the strategies of recruitment and staffing presently adopted and implemented by the company. It would also try to formulate a proper recruitment and staffing strategy for the organization which would also include the framework for compensation, incentives and reward programs so as to motivate the employees to provide their best effort at the organization. About the Company Procter and Gamble (PROCTER & GAMBLE) is one of the most coveted FMCG Company of the world. The organization has its headquarters based in Cincinnati, USA and successfully operates out of 180 different diverse geographic nations with a wide array of product offering. The strengths of the organization can be analysed from the fact that its market capitalisation is greater than the GDP levels of many nations. The company also has a well defined policy of serving the society through a well knit policy of corporate social responsibility. The organization also has a well defined recruitment and staffing policy that helps it to churn out the best possible employees. It also has a raining and development program that trains employees to meet the standards required to bring about efficiency in organizations like PROCTER & GAMBLE (Procter & Gamble, 2011). Recruitment strategy Procter and Gamble follows a highly rigorous and comprehensive framework for recruitment and selection. The candidates selected for the organization are generally asked to go in through a rigorous session of numerous rounds of interviews. In the initial strategy, the candidates are asked to appear for an interview that tests the candidate’s ability to produce high volumes of quality work. The candidates pass through two rounds of filtering after w hich a test of general knowledge and general aptitude is conducted. The extent of success in these tests determine the level of efficiency of the candidate

Monday, October 14, 2019

Socratic Method Essay Example for Free

Socratic Method Essay Since the formulation of the Socratic Method, it has been made reasonably clear that the quest for knowledge is based on firstly knowing that one does not know everything and secondly that the only way to know more about anything is to ask more questions. This does not imply of course that one simply propound any knowledgeable person with a barrage of question. This simply suggests that perhaps not accepting everything at face value without any verification as to its truth or validity is simply not the way to learn. From the earliest years, the questions, what, who, how, when, where and the all time favorite, why, have been uttered at least a dozen times by any single person. While these are not the keys to critical thinking, they do form an important foundation of critical thinking and that is that it challenges the current knowledge and pushes people to find out more about things and not simple be content with what is present. Herein lays the first benefit of critical thinking. It challenges the mind to ask more questions and remains at the very center of the quest for knowledge. Without critical thinking, everything in itself would become the rule and nothing would ever be the exception. A falling apple would be a different rule in itself and not connected to a flying bird when in it is in fact clear that through the exercise of critical thinking gravity and all the other forces are at work on these two objects. Secondly, critical thinking pushes at boundaries. To simply say that a truth is truth in itself is naive. Critical thinking plays an important role in all of this because it does not alter the truth but simply brings more of it into light. It reveals and enlightens and only constricts those who are too bound and caught up in the piece of truth that they have come to know. Critical thinking provides other clear benefits but none as important as its role in uncovering the complete truth and driving the quest for knowledge for the benefit of all mankind. After all, critical thinking in itself would never even be the subject of this discussion if it never existed.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Engineering Essay

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Engineering Essay Even though high performance liquid chromatography is a widely used technique for extractions of analytes in many classes, SFC has clear advantages over it. In HPLC a substantial amount of organic solvent is generated with each extraction, which then needs to be disposed. However, the disposal of the organic solvents is expensive at $5 $10 per gallon, whereas SFC uses considerably less or no organic solvent which leads to a decrease in analysis costs [1]. In replacement of organic solvents an inert environmentally friendly mobile phase is used, often carbon dioxide which can be collected from the atmosphere, as it is energy efficient in the isolation of the desired products [2]. Also without the use organic solvents the product is more concentrated compared to HPLC where the solvent must be evaporated, without the need to evaporate any solvent there is a reduction in energy and labour costs [2]. SFC is similar to gas chromatography (GC) in that it has a lower viscosity and higher diffusion coefficient than HPLC which allows for quicker, more efficient separations as it more effective at entering porous solid materials than liquid solvents. The separation time can be cut down from hours or days to a few tens of minutes [3]. As seen in Table 1, supercritical fluids lie between liquids and gases, which allows for SFC to use features of both HPLC and GC. Due to supercritical fluids having gas like and liquid like density it has a greater solvating power so SFC has a larger molecular range which includes non-volatile molecules which methods like GC do not include [1, 4]. Also, unlike GC which does not analyse thermally unstable compounds, SFC is able to due to the low critical temperatures of supercritical fluids such as carbon dioxide (31oC) [1] ; an advantage of supercritical fluid carbon dioxide is that it has a varied solvating strength that allows for selective extractions [5]. Along with this by altering the temperature and/or pressure it is possible to achieve higher selectivity. The range of detectors is also wider for SFC compared to GC or HPLC this is because in SFC the mobile phase can be liquid or gas like, so GC and HPLC detectors can be used [1]. For example SFC with flame ionization detection (FID) can provide quantification of resolved materials with a sensitivity of 0.1 ng [4]. Due to the range of detectors available for SFC and the low critical temperature of the carbon dioxide mobile phase, the detection and analysis of thermally labile compounds has been successful [3, 5]. Another advantage SFC has over HPLC is separation of chiral compounds, in HPLC the process is very time consuming, in SFC however, due to the lower viscosity of the supercritical fluids, the chiral separation can be run at a flow rate of up to 5 times faster than that of the HPLC all while avoiding pressure build up. The higher flow rate of SFC consequently means that the productivity is higher than HPLC methods [2]. When used in large scale extractions, fluid carbon dioxide can be recycled and then reused this minimize the amount of waste generated [3]. Property Gas Supercritical Fluid Liquid Density g/cm3 (0.6-2) x 10-3 0.2-0.5 0.6-1.6 Diffusion Coefficient cm2/s (1-4) x 10-1 10-3-10-4 (0.2-2) x 10-5 Viscosity g cm-1 s-1 (1-3) x 10-4 (1-3) x 10-4 (0.2-3) x 10-2Table 1: Comparison of Properties of Supercritical Fluids, Liquids and Gases [1] Due to the fact that SFC has features of both GC and HPLC, SFC has diversity in the columns that can be used which are either open tubular (GC) or packed (HPLC). In packed column SFC by choosing suitable column dimensions and particle size [6], this can cause an increase in the number of theoretical plates (over 100,000) [2, 6]. Further advantage is SFC is very clean; mobile phase contaminants are usually trace quantities of other gases. The mobile phase is very free of dissolved oxygen and is not particularly reactive and the mobile phase is easily and rapidly removed [2]. A disadvantage of using carbon dioxide as the mobile phase is it does not elute very polar or ionic compounds; this is overcome by using an organic modifier. However, there are some disadvantages of SFC these include that if molecules are highly polar they are not soluble in the mobile phase. Usually SFC only moves a small amount of a large specimen onto the column Limited availability However, these limitations have been overcome through instrumental modifications that more appropriately address purifications of micro-scale and nano-scale quantities of physiological molecules. More sophisticated 2D systems (2D-SFC) allow for the interfacing of 2 SFC columns having different column coatings or packing and thus provide for orthogonal separation capabilities [2]. Instrumentation used in SFC Originally, SFC instruments were based on HPLC designs with some modifications, however now the design includes a pumping system, modifier module, post-column nozzle and a separator detector [2]. The mobile phase in SFC is pumped as a liquid and then heated up past supercritical temperature until it reaches the supercritical region. The mobile phase passes through the injection valve before the sample is introduced, which carries the sample into the analytical column. To ensure the mobile phase stays supercritical, pressure restrictors are placed at the sides of the detector or at the end of the column. The pressure restrictors are heated as too avoid clogging [7]. As SFC uses a supercritical fluid as mobile phase, there are two possible types of column setup; one setup is HPLC like which consist of two reciprocating pumps these allow the mobile phase to mix and the introduction of a modifier, a packed column which are placed in an oven the detector used is an optical detector and the pressure and flow rates can be controlled separately [7]. Packed column SFC has recently become popular again over the past decade due to drug discovery and the pharmaceutical industry, as it offers the use of an environmentally friendly mobile phase, carbon dioxide, decrease in waste generation and provides purified materials even on a large scale, when used for drug discovery packed SFC is usually coupled with a mass spectrometer detector [2, 8]. In SFC there are lower eluent viscosity and higher diffusion coefficient which as a result lead to an increase in efficiency and a shorter separation time, the low viscosity causes only slight pressure drops which in tu rn allows for the flow rate to be quicker (3-5 mL min-1) compared to that of HPLC (typically ~1 mL min-1) [1, 8]. The other column setup is capillary SFC which is an extension of GC that includes a syringe pump and a capillary column inside a GC oven with a restrictor with a flame ionisation detector (FID), however, in capillary SFC the flow rate of the pump controls the pressure of the system [6, 7]. Other detection methods are also used for capillary SFC one method is Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometry. Capillary SFC is used for high separation power and is more suited for fluids with low density. However, capillary columns have some limitations these include sample loading capacity, detection limits and quantitation [6, 7]. As mentioned FID is mostly used for capillary SFC, although in certain cases FID can be used with packed column SFC when a non-flammable mobile phase is used. However, the mobile phase that is used is usually carbon dioxide which requires an organic modifier to deactivate any unbounded silanol groups in the stationary phase [10] thus causing the mobile phase to become flammable this in turn causes a high background signal and a loss of sensitivity. Alternatively, modifiers like esters or lower alcohols can be used in packed column SFC in order to improve the elution of polar compounds [9]. However, to avoid the use of modifiers, open-tubular capillary columns can be used, since silanol groups are not present in the stationary phase [10]. Compared to capillary columns, packed columns display higher efficiency per unit time; also separations can be transported directly from analytical or preparative liquid chromatography (LC) to SFC. Moreover, a standard liquid chromatograph can easily be converted into a supercritical fluid chromatograph [11]. It has was found that certain separations that were developed on a 50 ÃŽÂ ¼m i.d. capillary column can be repeated with the same or better performance on a 1 mm i.d. (microbore) packed column. The packed column system has the additional advantage of yielding excellent peak area precision. It is also shown that the combination of water and formic acid is an effective modifier for CO2 which can be used with FID [6]. A study using the water and formic acid modifier was conducted by H. E. Schwartz et al. formic acid is used as it has low background noise and therefore is more favourable, however another problem arises when using this modifier and that large gradient humps appeared during the run, these were most probably because of organic impurities in formic acid. A way round this problem is that water is added to the carbon dioxide via the use of an aquafier system, the aquafier system used by H. E. Schwartz et al. was a 15 cm x 4.6 mm i.d. silica column (100-200 mesh) that was saturated with ca. 40% w/w water. The column was placed between the pump outlet and injection valve. A test mixture of the formic acid and water modifier was performed by H. E. Schwartz et al. and prodcued the chromatogram as seen in Figure 1[6]. Figure 1 Chromatogram of a test mixture of formic acid/water/CO2 mobile phase. Peak identification (from left to right): n-eicosane, anthraquinone, n-triacontane, tocopherol acetate, cholesterol [6]. In Figure 1 the baseline rises this was due to the pressure program used, however due to the addition of water to the mobile phase which prevented the accumulation of formic acid on the head of the column no hump is visible. In Figure 1 it can also be seen that all the peaks have good shape and resolution even for the more polar compounds like anthraquinone, tocopherol acetate and cholesterol [6]. Mobile phases and stationary phases used in SFC In SFC the density of the mobile phase is about 200-500 times greater to that in gas chromatography. Compounds with high molecular weights are not usually detectable in gas chromatography, however with the density of the mobile phase being greater they can therefore be chromatographed [12]. A wide range of compounds have been tested for use as SFC mobile phases, however, a variety of these required special conditions, and would therefore not be suitable. This resulted in carbon dioxide CO2 being used as it was easily obtainable, low cost and safe [13], along with the critical temperature being 31oC and critical pressure being 73.8 atm [14]. A problem with CO2 as a mobile phase in a packed column is that if CO2 mobilizes a species then there is a possibility that the compound will be irreversibly adsorbed onto the column, this is because of the high activity of most sorbents, this does not happen in capillary SFC as inert fused silica open-tubular column are used. To avoid adsorption onto the column, surface activity needs to be decreased; this has been achieved by using modifiers [14]. There are two main reasons why modifiers are added to the mobile phase, first is that only a small amount of modifier is added in order to deactivate the sorbent active sites, second is when the modifier is added in higher concentrations (level of modifier needed is à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥1%)it improves the solubility of the analyte in the mobile phase [14]. One problem with using modifiers is they have a high response when a FID is used; this high response causes an increase in the baseline. The alternative to using FID which helps relieve this problem is the use of a ultra-violet absorption detector, although it is not as applicable to organic compounds compared to FID [14]. This is only true for packed SFC, as when capillary SFC is used most separations are done using only CO2, which is compatible with FID. Having only CO2 as the solid phase can cause slight defects on the chromatograms such as very broad peaks and not well resolved, as well as longer retention times, this is solved by adding a small amount of water to the mobile phase, hence improving the peaks and decreasing the retention time [12]. Modifiers which can be used with the mobile phase include methanol, acetonitrile, chloroform and formic acid. Methanol is the most popular modifier being used in both packed and capillary SFC, even though the addition of water speeds up elution of polar compounds in capillary SFC [12]; methanol has a greater effect when used with silica-packed columns [14]. The solubility of methanol, acetonitrile and chloroform in CO2 was studied by K. L. Maguire and R. B. Denyszyn, they found out that when the pressure is below 90 for methanol/CO2 there was little effect on solubility, but when raised above 90 there was a substantial increase. Acetonitrile/CO2 had very little pressure dependence but small temperature dependence. Finally, chloroform/CO2 both pressure and temperature had a small effect on solubility, when either was raised the solubility of chloroform increased [14]. Research by G. L. Pariente and P. R. Griffiths showed when carboxylic acid groups were present in the analyte the retention time was greatly increased while still using CO2 mobile phase. The cause of this could be due to that the solubility of these polar molecules is low and the solvation is not great enough to overcome the strong hydrogen bonds. The alternative mobile phase used was chlorofluorocarbon (CCl2F2), in comparison to CO2 which had a capacity factor greater than 20 for isophthalic acid; CCl2F2 had a capacity factor of 3.9. These results suggest that CCl2F2 has sufficient free energy of solvation to overcome the hydrogen bonds [14]. Even though CO2 ­ is the most extensively used mobile phase it is no more polar than hexane [15], so alternatives including CCl2F2 have been investigated, however the critical temperatures must not be too high as one of the main advantages of SFC is that elution can take place at mild temperatures. Another example is ammonia (NH3), as it possesses a high dipole moment and relatively low critical temperature, however supercritical NH3 reacts with siloxane linkages and when left for an extended time the siloxane stationary phase for capillary SFC breaks down too [14]. Therefore, a more useful way of eluting polar compounds is CO2  ­and the use of a modifier [15]. For packed SFC more or less all of the stationary phases used in HPLC are used in SFC, most of these are silica-based, chemically bonded or encapsulated, or polymeric [8]. Evaluation of stationary phases of SFC was originally carried out by Schoenmakers et al. this was however, only done using pure CO2 as the mobile phase, and certain phases did not perform well, if a modifier was used these phases would have performed better. When CO2 and a modifier is used as a mobile phase the stationary phase also becomes modified in that both CO2 ­ and the modifier adsorb onto the stationary phase. Depending on the stationary phase depends on the level of adsorption, for CO2 all phases adsorb the same but more polar phases adsorb more modifier than less polar phases. This causes the stationary phase to become more polar than the mobile phase, which in turn will cause polar solutes to interact more with stationary phase increasing retention time. Other stationary phases that have been studied include octadecylsiloxane-bonded silica (ODS), cyanopropylsiloxane- bonded silica, divinylbenzene-ODS, polydimethylsiloxane and porous graphitic carbon (PGC) stationary phases in supercritical [8]. In capillary SFC a problem arises in that normal GC stationary phases dissolve in the supercritical fluid mobile phase as they have a high solvating power. In order to correct the problem a non-extractable stationary phase is needed, examples of this are bonded phase where the stationary phase is attached to the column to surface groups via covalent bonds and cross linked phase where polymer chains within the stationary phase are attached to each other. In order to create non-extractable stationary phase, the process of coating must be undertaken, there are two types of coating, dynamic and static. The most favoured for SFC is static, as dynamic can lead to poor column efficiency and a thick stationary phase is not possible. In static coating the stationary phase is first dissolved in supercritical fluid and forced into the column, to avoid the removal of the phase cross link phase is used as it occurs between the polymers and not between polymer and substrate, and therefore can be applied to glass and fused silica columns [16]. Conclusion